It is the last season we will watch our Landon play football at ISU.
We feel very blessed and happy for him that he has been starting this year.
Nicole is back from Vegas and actively seeking a job in Chicago. She plans to move there
very soon.
Three years since we have been waiting for their little sister, I have gone from picturing
our baby girl cheerleader watching big brother play, Nicole traveling to China, to my sister traveling to China! I have imagined every season as THE season...for several years in a row! Ha!
Well, all things have a silver lining. While sister Terri needs to stay in the USA to welcome her second grandchild in three years, my baby's namesake will be traveling with me!! Yes, my college buddy Nasimi stepped up. We have shared so many adventures together over the past 20-some years, it seems only fitting!
We are most hopeful that the predictions are correct and we will get a photo of sweet baby or babies in December, maybe November, with travel 4-6 weeks later. Yes, I hinted at twins. We requested that it would be wonderful. Those of you who know our family, know we do twins on both sides!
Keep your fingers crossed for news soon...and those if you with great connections above, a prayer would be appreciated!