Tuesday, March 10, 2009


My poor baby has a bug. Another baby was sick the day before. Bing started acting funny after her bottle last night when we came home from the island. She was fussy and seemed uncomfortable. Later she couldn't keep anything down. Nasimi and I took turns walking her from 8PM until 4AM. Thank God for Nasimi! She was such a helper.

Nasim and Emily went to the store to get easy shirts to remove, bleach and other things. Bing is feeling better after numerous diaper changes this morning. She has a temp of 99.4, but resting okay now when I hold her. She can even lay on her back for a while, but can't keep much down.

Alright, I caved, she slept with me in the bed from 4 AM to 6:30. She slept and all I could do was look at her. She is such a little blessing. Little blessings are a lot of work for two aunties and a mommy. Needless to say, we are all very tired today. Lucky for Emily, she has her own room! This afternoon we go for visa medical exam. It should be interesting!

Below are some shots. The tub and bed shot were after the sickness came to visit.


JinXiu said...


what a beauty. I am so happy for you

I am so sorry to hear Bing is sick. How is she feeling? Emilee was also sick when I got her. the doctors at the White Swan are wonderful if you need to see someone


Chasing Dreams Photography said...

I'm so sorry that Bing is sick. Addison was sick when we were in China too. Couldn't keep anything down...she had it from both ends : ( Did you bring some pedialite with you? That may help if she is not drinking much.
She is so stinkin cute!!!! We ended up taking Addison to the doctors at the WS

Anonymous said...

Hope Bing is on the road to recovery ... and that mommy and aunties don't come down with the bug! If it's nice enough outside to open the hotel windows, do it! Air out that room! :-)

You'll get past the having her in bed with you, she needed you and that's what mommies have to do when their babies are sick!

If you can't keep infant Tylenol down her, the tylenol suppositories work wonders. If you didn't bring any, maybe someone else in your group did. And I remember you looking all over for that electrolyte powder to mix with water for dehydration ... did you ever find any to take with?

Hugs, and may this quickly pass!
Lisa S

Anonymous said...

That's not caving, that's surviving! I hope she is feeling better today. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Bing is feeling better. Those darn bugs are everywhere! =(
love your postings.. I look forward to your postings about Bing..=)
